Brilliant Rainbow Quinoa

$3.00 Add to cart

Pronounced “keen-wa” The nutty delicious seeds have as much protein as milk! Cooks in just minutes.

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Heirloom Brilliant Rainbow Quinoa blend has striking colors of hot pink, burgundy, red, orange, yellow, white and green. Harvest the young leaves to eat raw or cooked. Colorful seed heads mature in 90-120 days. Deer resistant, beautiful plant to grow for ornamental or edible purposes.

When to sow outside: Cold Climates: 1 to 2 weeks after average last frost when soil temperatures are near 60° F. Warm Climates: In late summer or early fall for late fall or winter bloom.

When to start inside: 1 to 2 weeks after average last frost. Germination can occur rapidly. Seedlings will develop long, spindly fragile red stems when light isn’t adequate, or they are kept inside too long.

Harvesting: Quinoa is ready to harvest about 90 – 120 days after sowing, when the leaves begin to fall, leaving just the dried seedheads. Harvest before heavy autumn precipitation, and before seeds start falling to the ground. Seeds can be easily stripped upwards off the stalk with a gloved hand, or shaken out over a bucket.

Your package will include approximately 60+ seeds


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