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~Nigel Burkitt English Cottage Garden

~Nigel Burkitt
English Cottage Garden

Delphiniums are an elegant perennial with mounds of dark green, glossy foliage adorned with huge spikes of showy, spurred flowers in early summer.

A common staple in most English Cottage Gardens!

After flowering, flower heads should be removed unless seeds are wanted. Surprisingly, these plants are very cold-hardy and resent hot climates and long, blistering summers, Delphiniums are short-lived perennials that lose their vitality after two to three years. Since they grow easily from seeds and cuttings, propagation is never a problem. In many cases they will self seed bringing you color for many years! The annual variety is often called Larkspur. Delphiniums are available in a range of sizes, from dwarf varieties less than 2 feet tall to those with towering, 6-foot blooms. Flower color includes blue, red, white, and yellow; however, the rich, clear blues and the Pacific Giants are especially prized by many gardeners. Most varieties are hardy from zones 3 and up. Delphiniums are also said to be deer resistant.

My prized Delphinium!

I have a few varieties of the Delphinium in my garden, they make great cut flowers and certainly make their presence known!
Add these tried and true beauties to your garden!

Find a great selection of Delphinium seeds here:



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