Purple Veggies!

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I love to grow purple veggies!
There are so many heirloom varieties of purple vegetables available for the home gardener – it’s fun for kids too, a great way to get the kids interested in gardening! Just because they are purple does not mean they have been chemically enhanced, most vegetables we see today were strange colors and shapes at one time. GROW HEIRLOOM ALL THE WAY!
A few fun purple varieties to try in your garden: Cauliflower, Peppers, Beans, Carrots, Spinach, Artichokes, Asparagus, Potatoes, Peas and of course the good old standby’s such as Eggplant, Cabbage and Kohlrabi <— I grow all these very successfully, just as you would regular vegetables. Just because they are purple doesn’t make them harder to grow. 

There are a few additional health benefits to eating purple vegetables!

Purple Vegetables and fruit have a pigment called anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant and as a safeguard to reduce the risk of cancer, improve memory and prevent premature aging. Purple colored vegetables also contains flavonoid component, called resveratol. Content is shown to inhibit endothelin-1, which is one cause of heart disease, beneficial to the cardiovascular system and can be heart healthy. Also facilitate the flow of blood to the brain, reducing the risk of stroke, cancer prevention and as an anti inflammatory. Purple Vegetables also contain ellagic acid, which is said to inhibit the growth of cancer sells and well as stop the process of mitosis (cell growth).

Even purple colored herbs and fruit contain loads of nutritional values!
There are far more purple veggies than what is shown and listed here!

Find a great selections of seeds below, or visit my Seed Shop for some of my favorites!



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