Sweet Pea

Sweet peas have a long and fascinating horticultural history. In 1699, a botanizing monk, Father Cupani first harvested sweet peas in the wild on an island off the coast of Sicily.

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A beautiful blend of heirloom Sweet Pea varieties sure to brighten your garden with loads of color and amazing scents!

Included in the package:
Beaujolais – Large fragrant blossoms are a rich burgundy wine color.
Blue Reflections – Superb blend of fragrant Reflection sweet peas in all shades of blue and white.
Dorthy Eckford –  Fragrant and pure white. In 1901 Henry Eckford introduced this variety, naming it after his granddaughter.
Princess Elizabeth – Produces lots of fragrant, creamy-pink blossoms.
Old Spice Mix – Varieties dating 1901-1907, many brilliant shades of colors

Soak seeds up to 24 hours before planting. Plants are strongest from an early, indoor sowing. Sweet peas can also be direct sown in the fall wherever winters are mild. Or direct sow seeds as soon as soil is workable in early Spring. Once planted, germination can take 7 to 15 days, depending on the soil temperature. Give them at least 6 ft of good support that they can cling to. When plants become established, mulch well to keep the soil cool and moist. If you mulch, you may not need to water your sweet peas unless the soil gets dry. To encourage bushy growth, pinch off the tops when plants are 6 inches tall, not before or you’ll encourage premature side-shoot development.

Do not eat.

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