Lemon Squash


Bright yellow fruits look just like lemons!
Harvest lemon squash when it’s the same size and color as its namesake – the lemon!


Product Description

A very tasty and attractive rare heirloom summer squash that can be very productive. Bug resistant, it keeps producing long after other squashes have succumbed. The fruits are abundant and the size and shape and color of lemons.  This is a vining squash that can be grown on a trellis. Produces over a long season.

Sow seeds direct 1/4″ deep in sunny location in Spring after all danger of frost.
Your package will include approximately  Heirloom & Organic Seeds grown and harvested on Vancouver Island

The flavor and texture are very good, meaty and firm. These little beauties hold up well for grilling, delicious when eaten young while the skin is tender and the seeds are small. Tasty and attractive for farmers markets as well as the home garden.



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